# Open Suck
**Latest changes based off OpenBSD 7.6**
* Lightweight Desktop installer for OpenBSD based on the suckless philosophy
* Licensed under [Mixed](https://git.sr.ht/~bt/open-suck-installer/tree/LICENSE)
* Discussion, patches etc. go to the
Successfully installed on:
- ThinkPad X201
- ThinkPad X220
- ThinkPad X260
- Lenovo M73 Tiny
## What You Get
The Open Suck installer gives you the absolute barebones desktop or laptop experience:
- `dwm` for window management
- `ranger` for your file browser
- `firefox` as your core web browser
- `aerc` for your terminal-based mail client
- `slock` for screen locking
- `scrot`/`slop` for simple screenshot utilities
- `feh` for your image/file viewing
- `dunst` for notifications
## Downloading
1. Download the latest OpenBSD iso and follow the installer
2. Install `git`, `vim`, `bash`
3. Edit/create doas permissions (`/etc/doas.conf`):
permit nopass :wheel
Also add your desired user to the `wheel` group:
usermod -G wheel bt
Now logout and log back in as your main user.
Clone the main installer project:
`git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bt/open-suck-installer`
`cd open-suck-installer`
## Installing
1. Install dependencies
2. Compile and install suckless software
## TL;DR
cd open-suck-installer # CD into this repository
doas sh ./install-dependencies.sh # Install OpenBSD packages
### Installing on a Laptop
doas sh ./install-laptop.sh
### Installing on a Desktop
doas sh ./install-desktop.sh
Copy over `.xinitrc`:
cp .xinitrc ~/.xinitrc # Apply .xinitrc
Reboot the machine. Log in as your main user. Run:
## Optimizing OpenBSD
### Improving Battery Performance / Enabling Sleep
Properly setup apmd:
rcctl enable apmd
rcctl set apmd flags -A
rcctl start apmd
### Setup WiFi
> The following assumes you have installed/setup the proper firmware updates for your hardware.
Create a new file `hostname.iwn0` (change the extensions to what is reported
via `ifconfig`)
inet6 autoconf
up powersave
Then run the following:
ifconfig iwn0 up
You might also need to run `doas sh /etc/netstart` after.